Melissa Turner, PT

Pediatric Physical Therapist

Melissa has been a physical therapist for 29 years, exclusively practicing in pediatrics. Her love for children with movement differences began forming her career from her first clinical experience in school. She graduated from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center (now CU Denver) physical therapy program. Her home state is Colorado, and most of her career has been spent there. She has worked in a variety of settings, including home care, outpatient clinics, schools, and hospitals, in rural, suburban, and urban areas. The children she works with have a variety of needs and ages, from severe physical disabilities to hidden weaknesses; from preemies to young adults. She particularly enjoys working with children in the pool, using this typical childhood activity to enhance a child’s movement experience and engage them in fun activities with family and other children.

A change in her husband’s career brought them to the Kansas City area in fall 2019. Their children and grandchildren are nearby, making family get-togethers a frequent pastime. She loves hiking, biking, and recently discovered silversmithing as a new hobby.